S Club Eurotour booking form

Please complete this form after you have reviewed the options available.

The first hotel is in the Lake District. Everyone will be arriving at different times through the afternoon and evening but most people will be there in time for dinner at 8pm. Would you like to join the rest of the group for dinner (£25.00 per person)?

A deposit of £150 per person is required to secure your place on this tour.
Bank transfers to Trust My Travel Limited, sort code 20-81-20, account no. 33894142, IBAN GB97 BARC 2081 2033 8941 42, Swift BARCGB22, reference "your name" and "S Club".
I have paid my deposit by bank transfer
Please send me a link to pay by credit/debit card

Using WhatsApp is a great way for the group to share a bit of banter before the tour starts and for communicating with each other while we are away. Your details will not be used for anything else and the group will be closed after the tour.

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